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Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game - Helion

Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game
Autor: Paris Buttfield-Addison, Jon Manning, Tim Nugent
ISBN: 978-14-919-9910-3
stron: 406, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-03-13
Księgarnia: Helion

Cena książki: 186,15 zł (poprzednio: 216,45 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-30,30 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game

Find out how to use the Unity Game Engine to its fullest for both 3D and 2D game development—from the basics to the hottest new tricks in virtual reality. With this unique cookbook, you’ll get started in two ways:

  • First, you’ll learn about the Unity game engine by following very brief exercises that teach specific features of the software
  • Second, this tutorial-oriented guide provides a collection of snippets that solve common gameplay problems, like determining if a player has completed a lap in a race

Using our cookbook format, we pinpoint the problem, set out the solution, and discuss how to solve your problem in the best and most straightforward way possible so you can move onto the next step in the project.

Unity Game Development Cookbook is ideal for beginning to intermediate Unity developers. Beginners will get a broad immersion into the Unity development environment, while intermediate developers will learn how to apply the foundational Unity skills they have to solve real game development problems.

Dodaj do koszyka Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game


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Dodaj do koszyka Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game

Spis treści

Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game eBook -- spis treści

  • Preface
    • Resources Used in This Book
    • Audience and Approach
    • Organization of This Book
    • Conventions Used in This Book
    • Using Code Examples
    • OReilly Online Learning Platform
    • How to Contact Us
    • Acknowledgments
  • 1. Working with Unity
    • 1.1. Getting Around in Unity
    • 1.2. Working with Game Objects
    • 1.3. Working with Components
    • 1.4. Working with Prefabs
    • 1.5. Working with Scenes
    • 1.6. Managing Assets
    • 1.7. Building Unity Projects
    • 1.8. Accessing Preferences
  • 2. Scripting
    • 2.1. Working with MonoBehaviours
    • 2.2. Using Callbacks
    • 2.3. Creating Frame RateIndependent Behavior
    • 2.4. Accessing Components
    • 2.5. Finding Objects
    • 2.6. Using Coroutines
    • 2.7. Singletons
    • 2.8. Loading a Level (Scene)
    • 2.9. Storing Data on Disk
    • 2.10. Saving and Loading the Game State
    • 2.11. Managing Objects Using an Object Pool
    • 2.12. Storing Data in Assets Using ScriptableObject
  • 3. Input
    • 3.1. Working with Keyboard Input
    • 3.2. Working with Mouse Input
    • 3.3. Locking and Hiding the Mouse Cursor
    • 3.4. Working with Gamepads
    • 3.5. Customizing Unitys Input System
    • 3.6. Responding to Pointer Events from the Event System
  • 4. Math
    • 4.1. Storing Coordinates of Varying Dimensions Using Vectors
    • 4.2. Rotating in 3D Space
    • 4.3. Performing Transformations in 3D Space with Matrices
    • 4.4. Working with Angles
    • 4.5. Finding the Distance to a Target
    • 4.6. Finding the Angle to a Target
  • 5. 2D Graphics
    • 5.1. Importing Sprites
    • 5.2. Adding a Sprite to the Scene
    • 5.3. Creating a Sprite Animation
    • 5.4. Creating a Sprite with 2D Physics
    • 5.5. Customizing Sprite Collision Shapes
    • 5.6. Using a Composite Collider
    • 5.7. Using the Sprite Packer
    • 5.8. Applying Forces to 2D Objects
    • 5.9. Creating a Conveyor Belt
    • 5.10. Using a Custom Material for Sprites
    • 5.11. Managing Sprite Sorting
    • 5.12. Using Sorting Groups
    • 5.13. Creating a 2.5D Scene
  • 6. 3D Graphics
    • 6.1. Creating a Simple Material
    • 6.2. Controlling a Materials Property Through a Script
    • 6.3. Creating an Unlit Material
    • 6.4. Setting Up a Material Using Textures
    • 6.5. Making a Material Use a Shader
    • 6.6. Setting Up a Bloom Effect Using Post-Processing
    • 6.7. Using High-Dynamic-Range Colors
    • 6.8. Setting Up a Project to Use a Scriptable Render Pipeline
    • 6.9. Creating a Shader Using the Shader Graph
    • 6.10. Creating a Glowing Effect Using the Shader Graph
    • 6.11. Exposing Properties from a Shader Graph
    • 6.12. Animating a Shader over Time
    • 6.13. Controlling the Speed of an Animated Shader
    • 6.14. Using a Subgraph to Reuse Graph Components
    • 6.15. Implementing a Dissolve Effect Using a Shader Graph
    • 6.16. Using Baked Lighting and Real-Time Lighting
    • 6.17. Using Baked Emission Sources
    • 6.18. Making Static Objects Cast Shadows on Dynamic Objects
    • 6.19. Using Light Probes to Influence Lighting
    • 6.20. Using Reflection Probes
    • 6.21. Faking a Dynamic Emissive Object
    • 6.22. Loading Textures from Disk
    • 6.23. Rendering to a Texture
    • 6.24. Saving Screenshots
  • 7. Physics and Character Control
    • 7.1. Understanding FixedUpdate
    • 7.2. Implementing Mouselook
    • 7.3. Controlling a 3D Character
    • 7.4. Interacting with Switches and Objects
    • 7.5. Picking Up and Putting Down Objects
    • 7.6. Detecting When an Object Is Touching Another Object
    • 7.7. Detecting When an Object Is in a Trigger Area
    • 7.8. Implementing Moving Platforms
    • 7.9. Implementing Platform Riding
    • 7.10. Responding to Being Pushed by Objects
  • 8. Animation and Movement
    • 8.1. Animating an Object
    • 8.2. Basic Character Movement
    • 8.3. Inverse Kinematics
    • 8.4. Masked Movement
    • 8.5. Blended Movement
    • 8.6. Navigation and Animating in Sync
    • 8.7. Cinematic Camera Tracking
    • 8.8. Automatically Switching Cameras
    • 8.9. Keeping Multiple Objects in View
    • 8.10. Dollying a Camera
  • 9. Gameplay
    • 9.1. Managing Quests
    • 9.2. Managing Hitpoints
    • 9.3. Creating a Top-Down Camera
    • 9.4. Dragging a Box to Select Objects
    • 9.5. Creating a Menu Structure
    • 9.6. Creating a Wheeled Vehicle
    • 9.7. Keeping a Car from Tipping Over
    • 9.8. Creating Speed Boosts
    • 9.9. Creating a Camera That Orbits Around Its Target
    • 9.10. Creating Orbiting Cameras That Wont Clip Through Walls
    • 9.11. Detecting When the Player Has Completed a Lap
  • 10. Behavior and AI
    • 10.1. Defining a Path That AI Entities and the Player Can Follow
    • 10.2. Letting Entities in Your Game Follow a Path
    • 10.3. Enemies Detecting When They Can See the Player
    • 10.4. Finding a Good Distribution of Random Points (Poisson Disc)
    • 10.5. Enemies Detecting Where They Can Take Cover
    • 10.6. Building and Using a State Machine
  • 11. Sound and Music
    • 11.1. Playing Sounds
    • 11.2. Setting Up a Mixer
    • 11.3. Using Audio Effects
    • 11.4. Using Send and Receive Effects
    • 11.5. Ducking
    • 11.6. Using Multiple Audio Zones
    • 11.7. Playing Audio Through Code
    • 11.8. Using a Sound Manager
  • 12. User Interface
    • 12.1. Working with UI Controls
    • 12.2. Theming Controls
    • 12.3. Animating the UI
    • 12.4. Creating a List of Items
    • 12.5. Fading Out List Items
    • 12.6. Creating Onscreen Position Indicators
    • 12.7. Custom Editors
    • 12.8. Property Drawers
    • 12.9. Attribute Drawers
    • 12.10. Asset Processing
    • 12.11. Scripted Importers
    • 12.12. Wizards
  • Index

Dodaj do koszyka Unity Game Development Cookbook. Essentials for Every Game

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