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Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition - Helion

Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition
Autor: Adam Majczak
ISBN: 978-13-112-6294-3
Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2015-02-23
Księgarnia: Helion

Cena książki: 7,26 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition

Tagi: PHP - Programowanie | Programowanie


Why IT books should be updated?
Since 2013 PHP was improved and updated. In this new (improved and updated) edition I am using some new tools available online. Code examples are also checked, updated and improved. This edition includes also new PHP features (for example: generators) to become more complete and more recent.
What is PHP?
PHP is like C and C++, but interpreted (not compiled) server-side universal programming language (named also the server scripting language) used for dynamic websites and interactive web applications. PHP codes as input produce HTML as output. The PHP script is executed on the server, and the plain HTML result is sent back to the browser. Users do not need to install any additional software to be able to view PHP generated web pages. All being required is that the web server has PHP installed in order to interpret PHP scripts.
What is a PHP File?
* PHP files can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code.
* PHP codes are executed on the server, and the result is returned to the client’s browser as a plain HTML.
* PHP files have as default extension *.php (* = file name, php = extension).
* So named pure PHP files contain PHP codes only (without HTML, JavaScript, nor CSS).
In contrast with static HTML sites, PHP sites are dynamically generated. Instead of the site containing a large number of static HTML files, a PHP-based site may consist of only a few template files (even Single PHP pages are in use). With PHP we are not limited to output HTML. We can output images, PDF files and Flash movies or any text, such as XHTML or XML. Even all HTML code can be dynamically generated by pure PHP files.
Besides of numerous PHP examples this e-book contains also some simple JavaScript code snippets to show how to perform data processing on the client side by JavaScript and on the server side by PHP. I have compared hereby some popular programming techniques being frequently used and providing complementary solutions.

Dodaj do koszyka Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition


Osoby które kupowały "Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition", wybierały także:

  • Tablice informatyczne. PHP7
  • PHP i jQuery. Techniki zaawansowane. Wydanie II
  • PHP i MySQL. Kurs video. Tw
  • REST API i Symfony. Kurs video. Nowoczesne aplikacje w PHP
  • Naucz si

Dodaj do koszyka Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition

Spis treści

Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition eBook -- spis treści

UWAGA: Ksiązka w języku ANGIELSKIM

Why IT books should be updated?
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to the e-book edition
What is PHP?
What is a PHP File?
How to install a PHP interpreter?
How to test local configuration?
How to use PHP based on Command Line Interface (CLI)?
How to run PHP on a remote server? PHP Page vs. PHP Web View Page
Text output –
Embedding PHP
Comments in PHP and including files
CHAPTER 2: PHP variables and constants
Variable names and values
Case sensitivity
Error messages and warnings
Data types in PHP
Using constants in PHP
Integer data type
Floating-point numbers
Bool type (Boolean values)
Null type variable and type checking in PHP
Dynamic variables
CHAPTER 3: Operators
Arithmetic operators
Assignment operator and combined operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators
Type cast forcing
Conditional statements (preview)
Base converting functions and bitwise operators
Operator precedence
The ternary operator
CHAPTER 4: PHP Arrays at a glance
Numeric indexed arrays, runtime array size change
Associative arrays
How to add new key => value pairs to associative arrays?
How to format output data?

Dodaj do koszyka Introduction to PHP, Part 1, Second Edition

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