Head First JavaScript Programming. A Brain-Friendly Guide - Helion

ISBN: 978-14-493-4398-9
stron: 704, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2014-03-26
Księgarnia: Helion
Cena książki: 152,15 zł (poprzednio: 176,92 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-24,77 zł)
What will you learn from this book?
This brain-friendly guide teaches you everything from JavaScript language fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions, and the browser’s document object model. You won’t just be reading—you’ll be playing games, solving puzzles, pondering mysteries, and interacting with JavaScript in ways you never imagined. And you’ll write real code, lots of it, so you can start building your own web applications. Prepare to open your mind as you learn (and nail) key topics including:
- The inner details of JavaScript
- How JavaScript works with the browser
- The secrets of JavaScript types
- Using arrays
- The power of functions
- How to work with objects
- Making use of prototypes
- Understanding closures
- Writing and testing applications
What’s so special about this book?
We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First JavaScript Programming uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. This book replaces Head First JavaScript, which is now out of print.
Osoby które kupowały "Head First JavaScript Programming. A Brain-Friendly Guide", wybierały także:
- D3.js w akcji 67,42 zł, (20,90 zł -69%)
- Tablice informatyczne. Node.js 16,86 zł, (5,90 zł -65%)
- AngularJS. Kurs video. Poziom pierwszy. Tworzenie aplikacji 119,00 zł, (47,60 zł -60%)
- Algorytmy i struktury danych. Kurs video. Java, JavaScript, Python 89,00 zł, (40,05 zł -55%)
- Angular 11. Kurs video. Poznaj moc tworzenia aplikacji typu SPA 129,00 zł, (58,05 zł -55%)
Spis treści
Head First JavaScript Programming. A Brain-Friendly Guide eBook -- spis treści
- Head First JavaScript Programming
- Dedication
- Praise for Head First JavaScript Programming
- Praise for other books by Eric T. Freeman and Elisabeth Robson
- Authors of Head First JavaScript Programming
- How to Use This Book: Intro
- Who is this book for?
- Who should probably back away from this book?
- We know what youre thinking.
- And we know what your brain is thinking.
- Metacognition: thinking about thinking
- Heres what WE did:
- Heres what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
- Read Me
- Tech Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Who is this book for?
- 1. A Quick Dip into Javascript: Getting your feet wet
- The way JavaScript works
- How youre going to write JavaScript
- How to get JavaScript into your page
- A little test drive
- JavaScript, youve come a long way baby...
- Its True.
- How to make a statement
- Variables and values
- Back away from that keyboard!
- Express yourself
- Doing things more than once
- How the while loop works
- Making decisions with JavaScript
- And, when you need to make LOTS of decisions
- Reach out and communicate with your user
- Create an alert.
- Write directly into your document.
- Use the console.
- Directly manipulate your document.
- A closer look at console.log
- Opening the console
- Coding a Serious JavaScript Application
- How do I add code to my page? (let me count the ways)
- Were going to have to separate you two
- 2. Writing Real Code: Going further
- Lets build a Battleship game
- Our first attempt...
- First, a high-level design
- A few more details...
- Representing the ships
- Getting user input
- Displaying the results
- Working through the Pseudocode
- Oh, before we go any further, dont forget the HTML!
- Writing the Simple Battleship code
- Now lets write the game logic
- Step One: setting up the loop, getting some input
- How prompt works
- Checking the users guess
- So, do we have a hit?
- Adding the hit detection code
- Hey, you sank my battleship!
- Provide some post-game analysis
- And that completes the logic!
- Doing a little Quality Assurance
- Can we talk about your verbosity...
- Finishing the Simple Battleship game
- How to assign random locations
- The world-famous recipe for generating a random number
- Back to do a little more QA
- Congrats on your first true JavaScript program, and a short word about reusing code
- 3. Introducing Functions: Getting functional
- Whats wrong with the code anyway?
- By the way, did we happen to mention FUNCTIONS?
- Okay, but how does it actually work?
- What can you pass to a function?
- JavaScript is pass-by-value.
- That means pass-by-copy.
- Weird Functions
- EXPERIMENT #1: what happens when we dont pass enough arguments?
- EXPERIMENT #2: what happens when we pass too many argments?
- EXPERIMENT #3: what happens when we have NO parameters?
- Functions can return things too
- Tracing through a function with a return statement
- Global and local variables
- Know the difference or risk humiliation
- Knowing the scope of your local and global variables
- The short lives of variables
- Dont forget to declare your locals!
- 4. Putting Some Order in Your Data: Arrays
- Can you help Bubbles-R-Us?
- How to represent multiple values in JavaScript
- How arrays work
- How to create an array
- How to access an array item
- Updating a value in the array
- How big is that array anyway?
- The Phrase-O-Matic
- Meanwhile, back at Bubbles-R-Us...
- Cubicle Conversation
- How to iterate over an array
- But wait, theres a better way to iterate over an array
- Test drive the bubble report
- Its that time again.... Can we talk about your verbosity?
- Redoing the for loop with the post-increment operator
- Quick test drive
- Cubicle Conversation Continued...
- Creating an array from scratch (and adding to it)
- Test drive the final report
- And the winners are...
- A quick survey of the code...
- Writing the printAndGetHighScore function
- Refactoring the code using printAndGetHighScore
- Putting it all together...
- 5. Understanding Objects: A trip to Objectville
- Did someone say Objects?!
- Thinking about properties...
- How to create an object
- What is Object-Oriented Anyway?
- How properties work
- How does a variable hold an object? Inquiring minds want to know...
- Comparing primitives and objects
- Initializing a primitive variable
- Initializing an object (a reference) variable
- Doing even more with objects...
- Doing some pre-qualification
- Does the taxi cut it?
- Stepping through pre-qualification
- Lets talk a little more about passing objects to functions
- Putting Fido on a diet....
- The Auto-O-Matic
- Oh Behave! Or, how to add behavior to your objects
- Improving the drive method
- Take the fiat for a test drive
- Uh oh, not so fast...
- Why doesnt the drive method know about the started property?
- A test drive with this
- How this works
- How behavior affects state... Adding some Gas-o-line
- Now lets affect the behavior with the state
- Gas up for a test drive
- Congrats on your first objects!
- Guess what? There are objects all around you! (and theyll make your life easier)
- 6. Interacting with Your Web Page: Getting to know the DOM
- In our last chapter, we left you with a little challenge. The crack the code challenge.
- So what does the code do?
- A quick recap
- How JavaScript really interacts with your page
- How to bake your very own DOM
- A first taste of the DOM
- Getting an element with getElementById
- What, exactly, am I getting from the DOM?
- Finding your inner HTML
- What happens when you change the DOM
- A test drive around the planets
- Dont even think about running my code until the page is fully loaded!
- Lets try that again...
- You say event hander, I say callback
- Why stop now? Lets take it further
- How to set an attribute with setAttribute
- More fun with attributes! (you can GET attributes too)
- What happens if my attribute doesnt exist in the element?
- Meanwhile, back at the solar system...
- Test driving the planets one last time...
- So what else is a DOM good for anyway?
- 7. Types, Equality, Conversion and All That Jazz: Serious types
- The truth is out there...
- Watch out, you might bump into undefined when you arent expecting it...
- How to use null
- Dealing with NaN
- It gets even weirder
- We have a confession to make
- Understanding the equality operator (otherwise known as ==)
- If the two values have the same type, just compare them
- If the two values have different types, try to convert them into the same type and then compare them
- How equality converts its operands (sounds more dangerous than it actually is)
- CASE#1: Comparing a number and a string.
- CASE#2: Comparing a boolean with any other type.
- CASE#3: Comparing null and undefined.
- CASE#4: Oh, actually there is no case #4.
- How to get strict with equality
- Two values are strictly equal only if they have the same type and the same value.
- Even more type conversions...
- Another look at concatenation, and addition
- What about the other arithmetic operators?
- How to determine if two objects are equal
- When we test equality of two object variables, we compare the references to those objects
- Two references are equal only if they reference the same object
- The truthy is out there...
- What JavaScript considers falsey
- The Secret Life of Strings
- How a string can look like a primitive and an object
- A five-minute tour of string methods (and properties)
- Chair Wars (or How Really Knowing Types Can Change Your Life)
- In Larrys cube
- In Brads cube
- But wait! Theres been a spec change
- Back in Larrys cube
- At Brads laptop at the beach
- Larry snuck in just ahead of Brad.
- The suspense is killing me. Who got the chair?
- 8. Bringing it All Together: Building an app
- This time, lets build a REAL Battleship game
- Stepping back... to HTML and CSS
- Creating the HTML page: the Big Picture
- Step 1: The Basic HTML
- Step 2: Creating the table
- Step 3: Player interaction
- Adding some more style
- Step 4: Placing the hits and misses
- Using the hit and miss classes
- How to design the game
- Implementing the View
- How displayMessage works
- Implementing displayMessage
- How displayHit and displayMiss work
- Implementing displayHit and displayMiss
- Another Test Drive...
- The Model
- How the model interacts with the view
- Youre gonna need a bigger boat... and game board
- How were going to represent the ships
- Implementing the model object
- Thinking about the fire method
- Setting up the fire method
- Looking for hits
- Putting that all together...
- Wait, can we talk about your verbosity again?
- Meanwhile back at the battleship...
- A view to a kill...
- Implementing the Controller
- Processing the players guess
- Planning the code...
- Implementing parseGuess
- Meanwhile back at the controller...
- Counting guesses and firing the shot
- Game over?
- Getting a players guess
- How to add an event handler to the Fire! button
- Getting the players guess from the form
- Passing the input to the controller
- Whats left? Oh yeah, darn it, those hardcoded ships!
- How to place ships
- The generateShipLocations function
- Writing the generateShip method
- Generate the starting location for the new ship
- Completing the generateShip method
- Avoiding a collision!
- Two final changes
- Congrats, Its Startup Time!
- 9. Asynchronous Coding: Handling events
- What are events?
- Whats an event handler?
- How to create your first event handler
- Test drive your event
- Getting your head around events... by creating a game
- Implementing the game
- Step 1: access the image in the DOM
- Step 2: add the handler, and update the image
- Test drive
- Lets add some more images
- Now we need to assign the same event handler to each images onclick property
- How to reuse the same handler for all the images
- Assigning the click handler to all images on the page
- How the event object works
- Putting the event object to work
- Test drive the event object and target
- Events and queues
- Even more events
- Test drive your timer
- How setTimeout works
- Finishing the image game
- Test driving the timer
- 10. First Class Functions: Liberated functions
- The mysterious double life of the function keyword
- Function declarations versus function expressions
- Parsing the function declaration
- Whats next? The browser executes the code
- Moving on... The conditional
- And finishing up...
- How functions are values too
- Did we mention functions have First Class status in JavaScript?
- Flying First Class
- Writing code to process and check passengers
- Iterating through the passengers
- Passing a function to a function
- Test drive flight
- Returning functions from functions
- Writing the flight attendant drink order code
- The flight attendant drink order code: a different approach
- Wait, we need more drinks!
- Taking orders with first class functions
- Test drive flight
- Webville Cola
- How the array sort method works
- Putting it all together
- Meanwhile back at Webville Cola
- Take sorting for a test drive
- 11. Anonymous Functions, Scope and Closures: Serious functions
- Taking a look at the other side of functions...
- How to use an anonymous function
- We need to talk about your verbosity, again
- When is a function defined? It depends...
- What just happened? Why wasnt fly defined?
- How to nest functions
- How nesting affects scope
- A little review of lexical scope
- Where things get interesting with lexical scope
- Functions Revisited
- Calling a function (revisited)
- What the heck is a closure?
- Closing a function
- Using closures to implement a magic counter
- Test drive your magic counter
- Looking behind the curtain...
- Creating a closure by passing a function expression as an argument
- The closure contains the actual environment, not a copy
- Creating a closure with an event handler
- Click me! without a closure
- Click me! with a closure
- Test drive your button counter
- How the Click me! closure works
- 12. Advanced Object Construction: Creating objects
- Creating objects with object literals
- Using conventions for objects
- Introducing Object Constructors
- How to create a Constructor
- How to use a Constructor
- How constructors work
- You can put methods into constructors as well
- Take the bark method for a quick test drive
- Its Production Time!
- Lets test drive some new cars
- Dont count out object literals just yet
- Rewiring the arguments as an object literal
- Reworking the Car constructor
- Understanding Object Instances
- Even constructed objects can have their own independent properties
- Real World Constructors
- The Array object
- Even more fun with built-in objects
- 13. Using Prototypes: Extra strength objects
- Hey, before we get started, weve got a better way to diagram our objects
- Revisiting object constructors: were reusing code, but are we being efficient?
- Is duplicating methods really a problem?
- What are prototypes?
- Inheriting from a prototype
- How inheritance works
- Overriding the prototype
- So where do you get a prototype?
- How to set up the prototype
- Test drive the prototype with some dogs
- Give Spot his WOOF! in code
- Test drive the custom bark method
- Teaching a new trick
- Prototypes are dynamic
- A more interesting implementation of the sit method
- Test drive the new sit method
- One more time: how the sitting property works
- How to approach the design of the show dogs
- Setting up a chain of prototypes
- How inheritance works in a prototype chain
- Creating the show dog prototype
- First, we need an object that inherits from the dog prototype
- Next, turning our dog instance into a show dog prototype
- Now its time to fill in the prototype
- Creating a show dog instance
- Test drive the show dog
- Examining the exercise results
- A final cleanup of show dogs
- A little more cleanup
- Stepping through Dog.call
- The final test drive
- The chain doesnt end at dog
- What is Object?
- Object as a prototype
- Using inheritance to your advantage... by overriding built-in behavior
- Using inheritance to your advantage... by extending a built-in object
- Test driving the cliché machine
- Grand Unified Theory of
- Better living through objects
- Putting it all together
- Whats next?
- A. Leftovers: The top ten topics (we didnt cover)
- #1 jQuery
- #2 Doing more with the DOM
- #3 The Window Object
- #4 Arguments
- #5 Handling exceptions
- Try/catch
- #6 Adding event handlers with addEventListener
- Event handling in IE8 and older
- #7 Regular Expressions
- The RegExp constructor
- Using a RegExp object
- #8 Recursion
- #9 JSON
- #10 Server-side JavaScript
- Index
- About the Authors
- Colophon
- Copyright