ADO.NET in a Nutshell - Helion

ISBN: 978-14-493-7043-5
stron: 624, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-04-29
Księgarnia: Helion
Cena książki: 126,65 zł (poprzednio: 147,27 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-20,62 zł)
Written by experts on the Microsoft® .NET programming platform, ADO.NET in a Nutshell delivers everything .NET programmers will need to get a jump-start on ADO.NET technology or to sharpen their skills even further. In the tradition of O'Reilly's In a Nutshell Series, ADO.NET in a Nutshell is the most complete and concise source of ADO.NET information available.
ADO.NET is the suite of data access technologies in the .NET Framework that developers use to build applications services accessing relational data and XML. Connecting to databases is a fundamental part of most applications, whether they are web, Windows®, distributed, client/server, XML Web Services, or something entirely different. But ADO.NET is substantially different from Microsoft's previous data access technologies--including the previous version of ADO--so even experienced developers need to understand the basics of the new disconnected model before they start programming with it.
Current with the .NET Framework 1.1, ADO.NET in a Nutshell offers one place to look when you need help with anything related to this essential technology, including a reference to the ADO.NET namespaces and object model. In addition to being a valuable reference, this book provides a concise foundation for programming with ADO.NET and covers a variety of issues that programmers face when developing web applications or Web Services that rely on database access. Using C#, this book presents real world, practical examples that will help you put ADO.NET to work immediately.
Topics covered in the book include:
- An Introduction to ADO.NET
- Connections, Commands and DataReaders
- Disconnected Data
- Advanced DataSets
- Transactions
- DataViews and Data Binding
- XML and the DataSet
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Spis treści
ADO.NET in a Nutshell eBook -- spis treści
- ADO.NET in a Nutshell
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- Preface
- Audience
- Contents of This Book
- Whats on the CD-ROM
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Comments and Questions
- Acknowledgments
- Bill
- Matthew
- CD-ROM Acknowledgments
- I. ADO.NET Tutorial
- 1. Introduction
- ADO.NET Data Providers
- Connected and Disconnected Data
- Connected Classes
- Disconnected Classes
- 2. .NET Data Providers
- Data Providers
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle
- SQLXML Managed Classes
- Other Providers
- Selecting a Data Provider
- Creating a Custom Data Provider
- Data Providers
- 3. Connections
- Connection Object Overview
- The Connection String
- Setting Connection String Parameters
- The SQL Server connection string
- The MSDE connection string
- The OLE DB connection string
- The ODBC .NET connection string
- The Oracle .NET connection string
- Security Risks of the Connection String
- Setting Connection String Parameters
- Opening and Closing Connections
- Connection Events
- Connections and Exception Handling
- Disposing Connections
- Connection Pooling
- SQL Server and Oracle Connection Pooling
- OLE DB and ODBC Connection Pooling
- Connection Pooling and Application Domains
- Connection Pooling and Performance Counters
- 4. Commands
- Command Object Overview
- Creating and Executing a Command
- Executing a Command That Doesnt Return Rows
- Updating a record
- Deleting a record
- Inserting a record
- Executing a Command That Returns a Single Value
- Executing a Command That Doesnt Return Rows
- Parameter Object Overview
- Creating Parameters
- Parameterized Commands
- Commands with Stored Procedures
- Executing a Stored Procedure
- Output Parameters
- Stored Procedure Return Values
- Deriving Parameters
- Commands and Data Definition Language (DDL)
- 5. DataReaders
- DataReader Object Overview
- Performing a Query with a DataReader
- Using Column Ordinals
- Using Typed Accessors
- Retrieving Null Values
- Returning Multiple Result Sets
- Showing All Columns with the DataReader
- Reading Single Rows with a DataReader
- Retrieving BLOB Data
- Stored Procedures with the DataReader
- DataReaders and Schema Information
- Retrieving Schema Information for a Query
- Retrieving Schema Tables
- Retrieving schema tables with SQL Server
- Retrieving schema tables with the OLE DB provider
- 6. DataSets
- Creating an Untyped DataSet
- Working with Tables in the DataSet
- Adding and Removing Relations
- Adding Custom Information
- Cloning the Schema
- Copying the DataSet
- Merging Two DataSets
- Removing All Data
- Resetting the DataSet
- Committing and Discarding Changes
- AcceptChanges and RejectChanges
- HasChanges and GetChanges
- 7. DataTables
- Creating a DataTable
- Working with Columns
- Constraints
- Primary Key
- Rows
- Loading Data
- Committing and Discarding Changes
- Cloning the Schema of the Table
- Copying the Table
- Selecting a Subset of Rows
- Performing Aggregate Calculations
- Removing All Data
- Resetting the Table
- Identifying Errors in the Table
- DataTable Events
- ColumnChanged and ColumnChanging
- RowChanged, RowChanging, RowDeleted, and RowDeleting
- 8. DataColumns
- Creating DataColumns
- Creating AutoIncrement Columns
- Creating Expression Columns
- Handling Null Values
- Mapping .NET Data Provider Types to .NET Framework Types
- 9. DataRows
- Creating a DataRow
- Updating Rows
- Deleting Rows
- Using Row State Information
- Using Row Version Information
- Accepting or Rejecting Changes to Rows
- Navigating Parent and Child Rows
- Using Row Error Information
- 10. Constraints
- Constraint Object Overview
- The UniqueConstraint
- Constraints and FillSchema( )
- The ForeignKeyConstraint
- Referential Integrity with ForeignKeyConstraint Rules
- 11. DataRelations
- DataRelation Object Overview
- DataRelations and Constraints
- Navigating Relational Data
- Modeling a One-to-Many Relationship
- Modeling a Many-to-Many Relationship
- Creating Expression-Based Columns Using Relations
- DataRelation Object Overview
- 12. DataViews and Data Binding
- The DataView and DataViewManager
- Binding to a DataView
- Binding to a DataViewManager
- Sorting and Filtering
- Sorting with the DataView
- Filtering by Column
- Filter operators
- Pattern-matching filters
- Filter-supported functions
- Aggregate functions and relations in filters
- Filtering by Row State
- Displaying Multiple Views
- Accessing Data Through a DataView
- Searching a DataView
- Navigating Relations with a DataView
- Windows Data Binding
- The CurrencyManager and BindingContext
- List Binding
- Single-Value Binding
- Format and Parse
- Controlling Navigation
- Master-Detail Forms
- Creating New Binding Contexts
- ASP.NET Data Binding
- List Binding
- ASP.NET Templated Data Controls
- The DataList
- Templates and Styles
- The DataView and DataViewManager
- 13. Strongly Typed DataSets
- Creating a Strongly Typed DataSet
- Discussion of Underlying Classes
- Adding a Row
- Editing a Row
- Finding a Row
- Null Data
- Navigating Hierarchical Data
- Annotations
- Creating a Strongly Typed DataSet
- 14. DataAdapters
- Creating DataAdapter Object
- Retrieving Data from the Data Source
- Retrieving Schema Information from the Data Source
- Updating the Data Source
- Mapping Tables and Columns
- AcceptChangesDuringFill
- ContinueUpdateOnError
- DataAdapter Events
- 15. Updating the Data Source
- SqlCommandBuilder Class Overview
- Updating a Data Source Using Command Builder
- Updating a Data Source Using Custom Logic
- Refreshing Data After Updating
- Retrieving Updated Values from the Data Source
- Updating Data in Related Tables
- Handling Concurrency Issues
- Optimization
- 16. Transactions
- Manual Transactions
- Isolation Levels
- Savepoints
- Nested Transactions
- Transactions Using a DataAdapter
- Automatic Transactions
- 17. XML and the DataSet
- DataSet XML Methods
- Dissecting the DataSet XML
- Dissecting the DataSet XML Schema
- XML Write and Read Modes
- Dissecting the DiffGram
- Shaping DataSet XML
- Attributes and Elements
- Relational XML Data
- Other .NET XML Classes
- XmlDataDocument Object Overview
- Searching a DataSet with XPath
- Transforming DataSet XML with XSLT
- Using the Data Objects to Edit XML
- Inferring XML Structure
- SQL Server 2000 XML
- The SQLXML Provider
- Converting to XML on the Client-Side
- Submitting Direct XPath Queries
- Batch Updates with the DiffGram
- DataSet XML Methods
- 1. Introduction
- II. ADO.NET Core Classes
- 18. The Connection Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- ConnectionString
- ConnectionTimeout
- Database
- DataSource
- Provider [OLE DB only]
- PacketSize [SQL Server only]
- ServerVersion
- State
- WorkstationId [SQL Server only]
- Methods Reference
- BeginTransaction
- ChangeDatabase
- Close
- CreateCommand
- EnlistDistributedTransaction
- GetOleDbSchemaTable [OLE DB only]
- Open
- ReleaseObjectPool [OLE DB only]
- Events Reference
- InfoMessage
- StateChange
- 19. The Command Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- CommandText
- CommandTimeout
- CommandType
- Connection
- Transaction
- UpdatedRowSource
- Collections Reference
- Parameters
- Methods Reference
- Cancel
- CreateParameter
- ExecuteNonQuery
- ExecuteReader
- ExecuteScalar
- ExecuteXmlReader [SQL Server only]
- Prepare
- ResetCommandTimeout
- 20. The Parameter Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- DbType
- Direction
- IsNullable
- Offset [SQL Server only]
- OleDbType [OLE DB only]
- ParameterName
- Precision
- Scale
- Size
- SourceColumn
- SourceVersion
- SqlDbType [SQL Server only]
- Value
- 21. The DataReader Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- Depth
- FieldCount
- IsClosed
- HasRows
- Item
- RecordsAffected
- Methods Reference
- Close
- Get<TypeName>
- GetDataTypeName
- GetName
- GetOrdinal
- GetSchemaTable
- GetValue
- GetValues
- IsDBNull
- NextResult
- Read
- 22. The DataSet Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- CaseSensitive
- DataSetName
- DefaultViewManager
- EnforceConstraints
- HasErrors
- Locale
- Namespace
- Prefix
- Collections Reference
- ExtendedProperties
- Relations
- Tables
- Methods Reference
- AcceptChanges
- Clear
- Clone
- Copy
- GetChanges
- GetXml
- GetXmlSchema
- HasChanges
- InferXmlSchema
- Merge
- ReadXml
- ReadXmlSchema
- RejectChanges
- Reset
- WriteXml
- WriteXmlSchema
- Events Reference
- MergeFailed
- 23. The DataTable Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- CaseSensitive
- DataSet
- DefaultView
- DisplayExpression
- HasErrors
- Locale
- MinimumCapacity
- Namespace
- Prefix
- TableName
- Collections Reference
- ChildRelations
- Columns
- Constraints
- ExtendedProperties
- ParentRelations
- PrimaryKey
- Rows
- Methods Reference
- AcceptChanges
- BeginLoadData
- Clear
- Clone
- Compute
- Copy
- EndLoadData
- GetChanges
- GetErrors
- ImportRow
- LoadDataRow
- NewRow
- RejectChanges
- Reset
- Select
- Events Reference
- ColumnChanged
- ColumnChanging
- RowChanged
- RowChanging
- RowDeleted
- RowDeleting
- 24. The DataColumn Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- AllowDBNull
- AutoIncrement
- AutoIncrementSeed
- AutoIncrementStep
- Caption
- ColumnMapping
- ColumnName
- DataType
- DefaultValue
- Expression
- MaxLength
- Namespace
- Ordinal
- Prefix
- ReadOnly
- Table
- Unique
- Collections Reference
- ExtendedProperties
- 25. The DataRow Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- HasErrors
- Item
- ItemArray
- RowError
- RowState
- Table
- Collections Reference
- ItemArray
- Methods Reference
- AcceptChanges
- BeginEdit
- CancelEdit
- ClearErrors
- Delete
- EndEdit
- GetChildRows
- GetColumnError
- GetColumnsInError
- GetParentRow
- GetParentRows
- HasVersion
- IsNull
- RejectChanges
- SetColumnError
- SetParentRow
- 26. The Constraint Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- AcceptRejectRule [ForeignKeyConstraint only]
- Columns
- ConstraintName
- DeleteRule [ForeignKeyConstraint only]
- IsPrimaryKey [UniqueKeyConstraint only]
- RelatedColumns [ForeignKeyConstraint only]
- RelatedTable [ForeignKeyConstraint only]
- Table
- UpdateRule [ForeignKeyConstraint only]
- Collections Reference
- ExtendedProperties
- 27. The DataRelation Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- ChildKeyConstraint
- ChildTable
- DataSet
- Nested
- ParentKeyConstraint
- ParentTable
- RelationName
- Collections Reference
- ChildColumns
- ExtendedProperties
- ParentColumns
- 28. The DataView Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- AllowDelete
- AllowEdit
- AllowNew
- ApplyDefaultSort
- Count
- DataViewManager
- Item
- RowFilter
- RowStateFilter
- Sort
- Table
- Methods Reference
- AddNew
- Delete
- Find
- FindRows
- Events Reference
- ListChanged
- 29. The DataAdapter Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- AcceptChangesDuringFill
- ContinueUpdateOnError
- DeleteCommand
- InsertCommand
- MissingMappingAction
- MissingSchemaAction
- SelectCommand
- UpdateCommand
- Collections Reference
- TableMappings
- Methods Reference
- Fill
- FillSchema
- GetFillParameters
- Update
- Events Reference
- FillError
- RowUpdated
- RowUpdating
- 30. The CommandBuilder Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- DataAdapter
- QuotePrefix
- QuoteSuffix
- Methods Reference
- DeriveParameters
- GetDeleteCommand
- GetInsertCommand
- GetUpdateCommand
- RefreshSchema
- 31. The Transaction Class
- Comments/Troubleshooting
- Properties Reference
- Connection
- IsolationLevel
- Methods Reference
- Begin [OLE DB only]
- Commit
- Rollback
- Save [SQL Server only]
- 18. The Connection Class
- III. API Quick Reference
- 32. How to Use This Quick Reference
- Finding a Quick-Reference Entry
- Reading a Quick-Reference Entry
- Type Name, Namespace, Assembly, Type Category, and Flags
- Description
- Synopsis
- Member availability and flags
- Functional grouping of members
- Class Hierarchy
- Cross References
- A Note About Type Names
- 33. Converting from C# to VB Syntax
- General Considerations
- Classes
- Structures
- Interfaces
- Class, Structure, and Interface Members
- Fields
- Methods
- Properties
- Events
- Delegates
- Enumerations
- 34. The System.Data Namespace
- AcceptRejectRule
- CommandBehavior
- CommandType
- ConnectionState
- Constraint
- ConstraintCollection
- ConstraintException
- DataColumn
- DataColumnChangeEventArgs
- DataColumnChangeEventHandler
- DataColumnCollection
- DataException
- DataRelation
- DataRelationCollection
- DataRow
- DataRowAction
- DataRowChangeEventArgs
- DataRowChangeEventHandler
- DataRowCollection
- DataRowState
- DataRowVersion
- DataRowView
- DataSet
- DataSysDescriptionAttribute
- DataTable
- DataTableCollection
- DataView
- DataViewManager
- DataViewRowState
- DataViewSetting
- DataViewSettingCollection
- DBConcurrencyException
- DbType
- DeletedRowInaccessibleException
- DuplicateNameException
- EvaluateException
- FillErrorEventArgs
- FillErrorEventHandler
- ForeignKeyConstraint
- IColumnMapping
- IColumnMappingCollection
- IDataAdapter
- IDataParameter
- IDataParameterCollection
- IDataReader
- IDataRecord
- IDbCommand
- IDbConnection
- IDbDataAdapter
- IDbDataParameter
- IDbTransaction
- InRowChangingEventException
- InternalDataCollectionBase
- InvalidConstraintException
- InvalidExpressionException
- IsolationLevel
- ITableMapping
- ITableMappingCollection
- MappingType
- MergeFailedEventArgs
- MergeFailedEventHandler
- MissingMappingAction
- MissingPrimaryKeyException
- MissingSchemaAction
- NoNullAllowedException
- ParameterDirection
- PropertyAttributes
- PropertyCollection
- ReadOnlyException
- RowNotInTableException
- Rule
- SchemaType
- SqlDbType
- StateChangeEventArgs
- StateChangeEventHandler
- StatementType
- StrongTypingException
- SyntaxErrorException
- TypedDataSetGenerator
- TypedDataSetGeneratorException
- UniqueConstraint
- UpdateRowSource
- UpdateStatus
- VersionNotFoundException
- XmlReadMode
- XmlWriteMode
- 35. The System.Data.Common Namespace
- DataAdapter
- DataColumnMapping
- DataColumnMappingCollection
- DataTableMapping
- DataTableMappingCollection
- DbDataAdapter
- DBDataPermission
- DBDataPermissionAttribute
- DbDataRecord
- DbEnumerator
- RowUpdatedEventArgs
- RowUpdatingEventArgs
- 36. The System.Data.SqlClient Namespace
- SqlClientPermission
- SqlClientPermissionAttribute
- SqlCommand
- SqlCommandBuilder
- SqlConnection
- SqlDataAdapter
- SqlDataReader
- SqlError
- SqlErrorCollection
- SqlException
- SqlInfoMessageEventArgs
- SqlInfoMessageEventHandler
- SqlParameter
- SqlParameterCollection
- SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs
- SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler
- SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs
- SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler
- SqlTransaction
- 37. The System.Data.OleDb Namespace
- OleDbCommand
- OleDbCommandBuilder
- OleDbConnection
- OleDbDataAdapter
- OleDbDataReader
- OleDbError
- OleDbErrorCollection
- OleDbException
- OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs
- OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler
- OleDbParameter
- OleDbParameterCollection
- OleDbPermission
- OleDbPermissionAttribute
- OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs
- OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler
- OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs
- OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler
- OleDbSchemaGuid
- OleDbTransaction
- OleDbType
- 38. The System.Data.SqlTypes Namespace
- INullable
- SqlBinary
- SqlBoolean
- SqlByte
- SqlCompareOptions
- SqlDateTime
- SqlDecimal
- SqlDouble
- SqlGuid
- SqlInt16
- SqlInt32
- SqlInt64
- SqlMoney
- SqlNullValueException
- SqlSingle
- SqlString
- SqlTruncateException
- SqlTypeException
- 32. How to Use This Quick Reference
- IV. Appendixes
- A. ADO.NET Providers
- The SQL Server Provider
- The OLE DB Provider
- The ODBC .NET Provider
- The Oracle .NET Provider
- The ODP.NET Provider
- B. ADO.NET XML Extensions
- codegen Namespace
- msdata Namespace
- diffgr Namespace
- C. Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)
- Installing MSDE
- MSDE Essentials
- Adding the Northwind Data
- Migrating MSDE to SQL Server
- Type, Method, Property, and Field Index
- A. ADO.NET Providers
- Index
- About the Authors
- Colophon
- Copyright