Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D - Helion

ISBN: 978-14-493-6849-4
stron: 636, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2006-11-27
Księgarnia: Helion
Cena książki: 186,15 zł (poprzednio: 216,45 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-30,30 zł)
"Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design is a refreshing look at subject of OOAD. What sets this book apart is its focus on learning. The authors have made the content of OOAD accessible, usable for the practitioner."
Ivar Jacobson, Ivar Jacobson Consulting
"I just finished reading HF OOA&D and I loved it! The thing I liked most about this book was its focus on why we do OOA&D-to write great software!"
Kyle Brown, Distinguished Engineer, IBM
"Hidden behind the funny pictures and crazy fonts is a serious, intelligent, extremely well-crafted presentation of OO Analysis and Design. As I read the book, I felt like I was looking over the shoulder of an expert designer who was explaining to me what issues were important at each step, and why."
Edward Sciore,Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Boston College
Tired of reading Object Oriented Analysis and Design books that only makes sense after you're an expert? You've heard OOA&D can help you write great software every time-software that makes your boss happy, your customers satisfied and gives you more time to do what makes you happy.
But how?
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design shows you how to analyze, design, and write serious object-oriented software: software that's easy to reuse, maintain, and extend; software that doesn't hurt your head; software that lets you add new features without breaking the old ones. Inside you will learn how to:
- Use OO principles like encapsulation and delegation to build applications that are flexible
- Apply the Open-Closed Principle (OCP) and the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) to promote reuse of your code
- Leverage the power of design patterns to solve your problems more efficiently
- Use UML, use cases, and diagrams to ensure that all stakeholders arecommunicating clearly to help you deliver the right software that meets everyone's needs.
By exploiting how your brain works, Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design compresses the time it takes to learn and retain complex information. Expect to have fun, expect to learn, expect to be writing great software consistently by the time you're finished reading this!
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Spis treści
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D eBook -- spis treści
- Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Dedication
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- Praise for Head First OOA&D
- Praise for other Head First books by the authors
- Praise for other Head First Books
- How to use this Book: Intro
- Who is this book for?
- Who should probably back away from this book?
- We know what youre thinking
- And we know what your brain is thinking
- Metacognition: thinking about thinking
- Heres what WE did
- Heres what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
- Read Me
- The Technical Team
- Acknowledgements
- Special thanks
- 1. Well-Designed Apps Rock: Great Software Begins Here
- Rock and roll is forever!
- Ricks shiny new application...
- Here what the code for Guitar.java looks like
- And Inventory.java...
- But then Rick started losing customers...
- Whats the FIRST thing youd change?
- Great software is... more than just one thing
- Great software in 3 easy steps
- Remember Rick? Remember his lost customers?
- So lets apply our 3 steps
- Ditching String comparisons
- Ricks customers want choices!
- Test drive
- Back to our steps
- Looking for problems
- Analyze the search() method
- Now update your own code
- Update the Inventory class
- Getting ready for another test drive
- Getting back to Ricks app...
- Design once, design twice
- Lets make sure Inventory.java is (really) well-designed
- One last test drive (and an app ready for reuse)
- What we did
- Remember this poor guy?
- OOA&D is about writing great software, not doing a bunch of paperwork!
- 2. Gathering Requirements: Give Them What They Want
- Youve got a new programming gig
- Todd and Gina: your first customer
- Lets start with the dog door
- Test drive
- But when Gina tried it...
- Listen to the customer
- Creating a requirements list
- What does the dog door really need to do?
- Plan for things going wrong
- Alternate paths handle system problems
- (Re) introducing use cases
- One use case, three parts
- Checking your requirements against your use cases
- Is anything missing?
- So now can we write some code?
- Automatically closing the door
- We need a new simulator!
- Test drive, version 2.0
- It works! Lets go show Todd and Gina...
- Reviewing the alternate path
- Test drive, version 2.1
- Delivering the new dog door
- Working app, happy customers
- 3. Requirements Change: I Love You, Youre Perfect... Now Change
- Youre a hero!
- But then came a phone call...
- Back to the drawing board
- The one constant in software analysis and design
- Optional Path? Alternate Path? Who can tell?
- Use cases have to make sense to you
- Start to finish: a single scenario
- Lets get ready to code...
- Finishing up the requirements list
- Now we can start coding the dog door again
- Was that a woof I heard?
- Power up the new dog door
- Updating the dog door
- Simplifying the remote control
- A final test drive
- More Tools for your OOA&D Toolbox
- 4. Analysis: Taking Your Software into the Real World
- One dog, two dog, three dog, four...
- Your software has a context
- Identify the problem
- Plan a solution
- Update your use case
- A tale of two coders
- Randy: simple is best, right?
- Sam: object lover extraordinaire
- Sam: updating the DogDoor class
- Comparing barks
- Randy: Ill just compare two strings
- Sam: Ill delegate bark comparison
- Delegation in Sams dog door: an in-depth look
- The power of loosely coupled applications
- Back to Sam, Randy, and the contest...
- Randy AND Sam: It works!
- Maria won the MacBook Pro!
- So what did Maria do differently?
- Pay attention to the nouns in your use case
- Its all about the use case
- There is no Bark class here!
- One of these things is not like the other...
- Focus: owners dog
- Focus: owners dogs bark
- Remember: pay attention to those nouns!
- From good analysis to good classes...
- Class diagrams dissected
- Class diagrams arent everything
- So how does recognize() work now?
- 5. (Part 1) Good Design = Flexible Software: Nothing Ever Stays the Same
- Ricks Guitars Stringed Instruments is expanding
- Lets put our design to the test
- Did you notice that abstract base class?
- Well need a MandolinSpec class, too
- Behold: Ricks new application
- Class diagrams dissected (again)
- Lets code Ricks new search tool
- Create an abstract class for instrument specifications
- Lets code GuitarSpec...
- ... and MandolinSpec, too
- Finishing up Ricks search tool
- Uh oh... adding new instruments is not easy!
- So what are we supposed to do now?
- OO CATASTROPHE: Objectvilles Favorite Quiz Show
- What is an INTERFACE?
- What is CHANGE?
- (part 2) good design = flexible software: Give Your Software a 30-minute Workout
- Back to Ricks search tool
- A closer look at the search() method
- The benefits of our analysis
- A closer look at the instrument classes
- But classes are really about behavior!
- Death of a design (decision)
- Lets turn some bad design decisions into good ones
- One more cubicle conversation (and some help from Jill)
- Double encapsulation in Ricks software
- Getting dynamic with instrument properties
- What we did: a closer look
- Using the new Instrument and InstrumentSpec classes
- Finishing up Ricks app: the InstrumentType enum
- Lets update Inventory, too
- Behold: Ricks flexible application
- But does the application actually work?
- Test driving Ricks well-designed software
- Ricks got working software, his client has three choices
- Sweet! Our software is easy to change... but what about that cohesive thing?
- Cohesion, and one reason for a class to change
- Ricks software, in review
- Knowing when to say Its good enough!
- 6. Solving Really Big Problems: My Name is Art Vandelay... I am an Architect
- Its all in how you look at the big problem
- The things you already know...
- So lets solve a BIG problem!
- We need a lot more information
- What is the system like?
- What is the system not like?
- Customer Conversation
- Figure out the features
- But what is a feature, anyway?
- Use case diagrams
- But theres one feature still left... what up with that?
- The Little Actor
- A small Socratic exercise in the style of The Little Lisper
- Actors are people, too (well, not always)
- Use case diagram... check! Features covered... check!
- So what exactly have we done?
- Cubicle Conversation
- Lets do a little domain analysis!
- What most people give the customer...
- What were giving the customer...
- Now divide and conquer
- Dont forget who your customer really is
- Whats a design pattern? And how do I use one?
- Feeling a little bit lost?
- The power of OOA&D (and a little common sense)
- 7. Architecture: Bringing Order to Chaos
- Feeling a little overwhelmed?
- We need an architecture
- Architecture takes a big chaotic mess...
- ... and helps us turn it into a well-ordered application
- Lets start with functionality
- But which of these are the most important?
- The three Qs of architecture
- 1. Is it part of the essence of the system?
- 2. What the fuck does it mean?
- 3. How the heck do I do it?
- Weve got a lot less chaos now...
- ... but theres still plenty left to do
- Cubicle Argument Conversation
- The Tile and Unit classes
- Keep the right focus
- More order, less chaos
- Weve got structure now, too...
- Which feature should we work on next?
- Game-specific units... what does that mean?
- Commonality revisited
- Solution #1: Its all different!
- Solution #2: Its all the same!
- Commonality analysis: the path to flexible software
- And still more order...
- What does it mean? Ask the customer
- Do you know what coordinating movement means?
- Now do some commonality analysis
- So now what would you do?
- Is there anything common here?
- Its different for every game
- Reducing risk helps you write great software
- 8. Design Principles: Originality is Overrated
- Design principle roundup
- Principle #1: The Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
- Closed for modication...
- ... but open for extension
- Remember working on Ricks Stringed Instruments?
- The OCP, step-by-step
- Principle #2: The Dont Repeat Yourself Principle (DRY)
- A prime place to apply DRY...
- 1. Lets abstract out the common code
- 2. Now remove the code from other locations...
- 3. ...and reference the code from Step #1
- DRY is really about ONE requirement in ONE place
- Principle #3: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- Spotting multiple responsibilities
- Going from multiple responsibilities to a single responsibility
- Contestant #4: The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
- Misusing subclassing: a case study in misusing inheritance
- LSP reveals hidden problems with your inheritance structure
- Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types
- Violating the LSP makes for confusing code
- Solving the 3DBoard problem without using inheritance
- Delegate functionality to another class
- When to use delegation
- Use composition to assemble behaviors from other classes
- When to use composition
- When the pizza is gone, so are the ingredients...
- Aggregation: composition, without the abrupt ending
- Youve already used aggregation...
- Aggregation versus composition
- Inheritance is just one option
- 9. Iterating and Testing: The Software is Still for the Customer
- Your toolbox is filling up
- But youre still writing your software for the CUSTOMER!
- Iterating deeper: two basic choices
- Feature driven development
- Use case driven development
- Two approaches to development
- Whats the difference between feature driven and use case driven development?
- Lets use feature driven development
- Analysis of a feature
- 3. The framework supports multiple types of troops or units that are game-specific
- Fleshing out the Unit class
- Showing off the Unit class
- Writing test scenarios
- Scenario #2: Changing property values
- Scenario #3: Getting non-existent property values
- Solution #1: Emphasizing Commonality
- Design decisions are always a tradeoff
- Solution #2: Emphasizing Encapsulation
- Tradeoffs with this decision, too...
- Lets go with the commonality-focused solution
- Match your tests to your design
- Lets write the Unit class
- Test cases dissected...
- Prove yourself to the customer
- Weve been programming by contract so far
- This is the contract for Unit
- Programming by contract is really all about trust
- And we can always change the contract if we need to...
- But if you dont trust your users...
- -or if they dont trust you...
- Moving units
- Havent we been here before?
- Break your apps up into smaller chunks of functionality
- But you can still break things up further...
- Your decisions can iterate down, too
- 10. The OOA&D Lifecycle: Putting It All Together
- Developing software, OOA&D style
- The problem
- Now you should really know what youre supposed to do
- Use cases reflect usage, features reflect functionality
- Now start to iterate
- A closer look at representing a subway
- What is a station?
- And a connection between two stations?
- Then a line is just a series of connections...
- Lets take a look at that subway file
- Lets see if our use case works
- To use a Line class or not to use a Line class... that is the question
- Code the Station class
- Code the Subway class
- Points of interest on the Objectville Subway (class)
- What Javas default equals() implementation does...
- What our equals() implementation does...
- Protecting your classes (and your clients classes, too)
- The SubwayLoader class
- Its time to iterate again
- But before we start Iteration 2...
- Whats left to do?
- Back to the requirements phase...
- Focus on code, then focus on customers. Then focus on code, then focus on customers...
- Iteration makes problems easier
- Implementation: Subway.java
- What does a route look like?
- One last test class...
- Check out Objectville for yourself!
- Iteration #3, anyone?
- Make loading more extensible
- Allow different output sources (and formats!)
- The journeys not over...
- Now take OOA&D for a spin on your own projects!
- A. Leftovers: The Top Ten Topics (we didnt cover)
- #1. IS-A and HAS-A
- IS-A refers to inheritance
- HAS-A refers to composition or aggregation
- The problem with IS-A and HAS-A
- #2. Use case formats
- Focusing on interaction
- A more formal use case
- #3. Anti patterns
- #4. CRC cards
- CRC cards help implement the SRP
- #5. Metrics
- #6. Sequence diagrams
- #7. State diagrams
- #8. Unit testing
- What a test case looks like
- Test your code in context
- #9. Coding standards and readable code
- Great software is more than just working code
- #10. Refactoring
- #1. IS-A and HAS-A
- B. Welcome to Objectville: Speaking the Language of OO
- Welcome to Objectville
- UML and class diagrams
- Next up: inheritance
- And polymorphism, too...
- Last but not least: encapsulation
- Now anyone can set the speed directly
- So whats the big deal?
- Index
- About the Authors
- Copyright