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Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions! - Helion

Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!
Autor: Cerulean Canvas
Tytuł oryginału: Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!
ISBN: 9781803245782
Format: video
Data wydania: 2021-12-28
Księgarnia: Helion

Cena książki: 239,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!

This course covers the entire syllabus of DCA laid out by Mirantis and explains each aspect with precision and patience. With continuous input for exam preparation and mock exams, you will never lose sight of your goal.

In this course, we will first understand what containers and Docker are. We will be containerizing applications with Dockerfiles, then work with Docker images and containers. Post that, we will cover container networking with Docker networks and learn how to provide backup storage to containers.
Later, we will cover container orchestration and cluster management with Docker Swarm. Next, we will understand what Compose files and Docker Stack are. Then we will move ahead with Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (formerly Docker Universal Control Plane) and an introduction to Kubernetes and Pods.

Lastly, you will learn about container orchestration with Kubernetes on MKE (UCP) and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) aka Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR).

Moreover, there are five hands-on assignments with complete solutions, 10+ quizzes, and two mock exams to solidify your preparation.

By the end of this course, you will be well prepared for your DCA exam.

The course resources are available at

Dodaj do koszyka Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!


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Dodaj do koszyka Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!

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Dodaj do koszyka Docker Certified Associate Exam Prep Course. Learn Docker, Kubernetes, and MKE (UCP) with hands-on demos, mock tests, and multi-response practice questions!

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